The Most Helpful, Feel-Good Influencers You Should Follow

If your Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and Podcast feeds are packed with flashy influencers and mindless entertainment, you could be negatively impacting your mental health.

Sure, they can be entertaining and inspiring. But even if that’s the case, we often feel guilty for being sucked into a void of time-wasting content.

Become a guilt-free scroller by following these accounts for life hacks, career advice, and self improvement tips. 

1. Shea Whitney: Shea Whitney is a beauty and fashion influencer who has carved a niche in Amazon products. On her youtube channel, you can find detailed beauty and fashion advice (that goes far beyond the obvious), life hacks, health tips, and Amazon items she loves and hates. 

2. Lauryn Bosstick: Lauryn Bosstick is a successful wellness influencer who owns a cosmetic brand. On the Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast, watch Lauryn and her husband interview countless experts in the wealth-building, beauty, and wellness spaces. They’ll give you science-based hacks and habits that you may not have heard elsewhere.

3. Vanessa Edwards: Vanessa Edwards is a behavioral expert. She studies body language, personalities, how to communicate effectively, and how to become charismatic. You can follow her Youtube, The Science of People, for videos packed with helpful communication and career advice! Or, search for her interviews on other podcasts.

4. Stephanie Bickel: Stephanie Bickel, a communications coach and founder of Speak by Design, helps executives build their personal brands, share compelling messages, and improve their voice and speech patterns. While you may or may not be an executive or business owner, the early episodes of her Speak by Design podcast are helpful for all. 

5. Stephen Kotler: Stephen Kotler is an author and expert in productivity - aka reaching the flow state. Subscribe to the Flow Research Collective newsletter for processes to get in the flow state at work and become more productive. It will make computer tasks pass quickly while being 20x more enjoyable!

Who else are you following for self-improvement? Drop us an email so we can grow this list!


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