Life Hacks Every Woman Should Know
Life hacks don’t have to be unusual ways to store things, quick ways to cook, and new uses for household items. The power of mindset and our mental habits are life hacks, too!
The beliefs we hold about ourselves and the way we think about challenges profoundly impact quality of life. It’s something we should learn in school.
Here are 7 life hacks to improve your happiness through mindset and thought pattern techniques.
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1. Protect your mental energy
To feel more energized (both physically and mentally), focusing on your brain can be just as important as resting. Your brain is an energy sucking muscle - think about how drained you feel after focusing at work.
Here’s how you can protect your mental energy so that you feel lively and ready to tackle your days:
Reduce relationships where you cannot decide if you like someone or not (believe it or not, these relationships are more draining than coping with those we dislike).
Reduce decision overload by leaning into pre-made plans (ex. Workout plans, meal plans, clothing subscriptions).
Meditate to reduce racing thoughts.
Prioritize heavy workloads and delegate everything possible.
Try cognition supplements like turkey tail mushrooms, ginkgo biloba, nootropics, or ketones.
2. Tap into the flow state at work
The flow state of mind is an ultimate feeling of focus and productivity - aka you’re in the zone. You don’t have to wait for a random burst of motivation to be more productive at work.
Instead, encourage the flow state by following this simple process:
Begin by setting an overarching goal.
Determine the smaller tasks that support this goal and begin working on them.
Create feedback loops to check in on your work.
It may sound simple, but structuring your work in this way prevents your mind from wandering. Supporting tasks prevent you from wondering if you’re working on the right things, and feedback loops prevent you from wondering if your work is good enough.
Some other productivity tips include task batching, listening to binaural beats, and using a desktop app for organization (like Evernote or SimpleNote) to prevent hundreds of browser tabs.
3. Abandon jealousy with an in-control mindset
Jealousy is crippling, and no one should have to feel this way! Try this strategy to feel more secure and stop comparing yourself to others.
Next time you feel jealous of something, tell yourself “I could have that, but it’s not worth it to me.” For example:
“I could own a business, but the long hours and initial risk aren’t worth it to me.”
“I could be an influencer, but the constant being-on-camera and initial low pay aren’t worth it to me.”
“I could be lean and toned, but tracking my food and exercising daily aren’t worth it to me.”
“I could become a better public speaker, but taking classes and practicing isn’t worth it to me.”
“I could go on my dream vacation, but a high-pressure job that will afford me this luxury isn’t worth it to me.”
Now you understand how you’re in control of your own life. If you want to be like the people you’re jealous of, simply begin putting in the work and adopting their habits.
4. Learn to manifest correctly
Manifesting can seem delusional. That CEO that claims to have started his company through manifesting - he probably had a period of time where he pretended he had a successful business. And that’s not healthy - it’s dishonest.
Follow these rules of manifestation to skip the lie. Instead, you’ll solidify positive truths and begin putting in the work to become your desired end state.
Visualize and build habits
Picture your desired job, relationship, home… or whatever it is you’d like to reach! Now think about the steps it takes to get there. Visualize your end state and the work you’ll need to put in each day. Then start doing the work.
Visualizing and practicing is not a guaranteed win, but it will drastically increase your odds of achieving your goals.
Build confidence with truthful affirmations
You can’t affirm your way to losing 50 pounds. But you can affirm yourself along your journey, repeating things like “I am doing everything in my power to lose the weight, and I will continue it.” Someone who wants to work on their public speaking might say “I have an important message to deliver,” or “My speaking improves each day with my daily practice.”
These affirmations will help you build confidence and continue momentum towards your goal. They will help put you in a growth mindset.
Let go of controlling others’ actions
Remember that you can’t manifest to force someone’s hand in promoting you, asking you on a date, or purchasing from you. Focus on things you can control instead.
For example: Instead of “I will get this job I applied for,” think “I will take every step necessary to become the most desirable candidate.”
Now you don’t have to feel weird or shy about manifesting. Visualizing, affirming, and putting in the work are effective tools to reach your goals.
5. Become more creative
Creativity is an important way to excel in your job, carve a niche for your own business, grow on social media, and so much more. Plus, studies show that spending time in a creative outlet create a 71% decrease in anxious feeling, 73% decrease in depression, and 69% boost in feelings of social inclusion.
Employ these habits to boost your creativity:
Carve regular time for thinking, reflecting, and meditating
Practice questioning the status quo
As you go about your day, notice things that are frustrating or problematic. Try brainstorming solutions by pairing unrelated ideas
Play with unique thoughts and materials, with no end goal in mind (think - doodling, building, or photoshopping)
6. Brand yourself for success
Building a personal branding strategy has two main benefits:
Guide people to treat you as you wish to be treated
Enhance trustworthiness, eliminating confusion about who you are
Don’t count out the impact of small changes! Here’s how to create a personal brand for yourself by embodying the person you want to be.
Determine who you’d like to be in three words/phrases (this doesn’t have to be work related - organized home, weight lifter, or outdoor adventure seeker are all great descriptors).
Adjust your digital presence to reflect this (ex. Social media profiles, Zoom avatars, background on camera, office desk).
Elevate your in person presence and consider how your 3 descriptors tie in (ex. speaking with confidence, self care, wardrobe building).
Discuss interesting topics related to your descriptors.
Treat yourself with love and respect - people will mimic how you treat yourself!
7. Declutter and organize your home
Feeling more organized reduces frustration in your daily life. Tired of opening drawers and ruining your mood with a mess of haphazardly thrown items? Prioritizing making your home organized and efficient is a huge mood booster.
Follow these steps to declutter and organize:
Watch some cleaning videos to set the mood.
Invest in dividers, pretty boxes, shelves, and anything that will help you organize.
On surfaces, group small items into trays or containers.
Get over the hump and throw anything away that you haven’t used in 1-2 years.
Try functional decor instead of tchotchkes (ex. baskets and blankets instead of figurines).
Make closets efficient by putting your most worn clothing towards the front and most used items at eye level.
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