5 Elevating Details You Can Start Today 

Getting ready every morning, getting in shape, and investing in a good wardrobe are the obvious ways to elevate your appearance. However, it’s less obvious details (like your mannerisms) that really pack a punch, taking you from cute to polished and professional.

The most charismatic, captivating women incorporate the following tricks. Give them a try to enhance your presence! 

Pretty hands speak volumes

Nails are an amazing way to boost your confidence and look more put-together. If you don’t want to spend time and money getting a manicure, painting your nails at home or investing in a gel nail kit is plenty. 

Don’t want to paint them at all? That’s okay, too. The key to a manicured appearance is cuticle care and shaping. File your nails, moisturize cuticles, and scrape the dead skin away regularly.

Speaking with gentle hand gestures and open palms will take your appearance a step further. 

Invest in healthy hair

If you were blessed with a thick, healthy head of hair - congratulations. Hair that’s voluminous with lots of movement will make even a sweatsuit look elevated. It’s a sign of youth and beauty that’s hard to achieve if you weren’t born with it 

For the rest of us, here are a few ways you can achieve fuller hair.

1. Promote growth

A well-balanced diet combined with healthy hormones contribute to hair health. You can also amp it up with tried and true methods - castor and rosemary oil treatments, biotin or collagen supplements, or buzzworthy products like Vegamore and Nutrafol

2. Reduce shedding

Finding clumps of hair in your brush or in the shower? Remember, you don’t have an endless supply. Hang on to what you have with gentle brushing, loose hairstyles, and lukewarm to cold shower water. Invest in a silk pillowcase so your hair doesn’t catch on rough fabrics at night, and remember to never air dry.

3. Try extensions

Hand-tied wefts are all the rage recently, but they’re expensive and a time commitment. Washing and drying them can be exhausting, and you’ll have to set aside time to get them moved up every six to eight weeks. 

As an alternative - find some simple clip-ins on Amazon and wear them for special events. These can run as cheap as $20.

Choose a signature scent

Perfume shouldn’t be for rare occasions. Scents feel rewarding to you and surrounding friends. By smelling extra good every day, you’ll feel better and radiate positive energy.

One of the most viral scents today is Baccarat Rouge 540; but at $465 a bottle, you’d probably prefer one of the many knock-off scents. If that’s not for you, studies prove vanilla and orange to be universally alluring.

Practice a smooth voice

Many women have vocal fry when speaking. Whether we are imitating the voices we consume in entertainment, or we are simply nervous and running out of air, vocal fry can be damaging to your reputation. People tune out when they don’t like your voice.

A natural, relaxing voice puts everyone at ease and makes them enjoy listening to you. It’s a sure way to build respect and authority. 

Try practicing breathing as you speak, Youtube-ing some singing and acting vocal exercises, or investing in a vocal coach.

Be conscious of facial expressions and mannerisms

Think of versatile actor and how they can embody so many types of people. It’s not always through outfits and makeup. When they play a nerd, they’ll slouch and use jerky motions. When playing the popular girl, they’ll stand taller, smile wide, and move slowly.

Your movements and facial expressions say everything about the kind of person you are. People even trust your body language over words. To level up, try incorporating these confident habits:

  • Work on your posture. Puff up your chest slightly and keep your chin up.

  • Be slow and intentional with your movements.

  • Be still when movement isn’t necessary. Avoid fidgeting with your hands or putting them in your pockets. 

  • Make eye contact and avoid looking down.

  • Try to keep a resting smile, and smile wider as you speak. 

Key takeaways

Presenting yourself as polished and influential goes beyond personal branding in your career. It will also improve your social life, relationships, and sense of self worth. 

Subtle details like cuticle care, a smooth voice, and elegant mannerisms are your weapons for success. 


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